Saturday, 25 February 2012
Thursday, 23 February 2012
So as I've said I was gonna have braces on. So this is what my teeth has been up to (:
Extracted 4 teeth which was a pretty traumatizing experience. The injection the pulling and the sounds that you hear as they extract is scary... I thought my teeth was gonna crack!
So anyway as you can see I have 2 missing teeth at the lower 4 (it's what you call it) and upper 5 which you can't see of cause. The rubber bands were to create a gap to fit a metal piece in.
Side view:
One picture with my teeth before it gets done! And if you know I NEVER smile with my teeth
In the dental chair :O
My dentist did all the pasting of the metal stuff and got me to choose the colours hehe. I've been waiting for this moment!! So I chose hot pink, the one below the bright pink, above the maroon.
Got back to woodlands and went to buy a sundae to relieve the pain. No difference la and the ice cream was horrible.... DO NOT BUY STRAWBERRY SUNDAE YOU WILL DIE FROM DIABETES. So I threw it away after a few mouthful.
Tadah! Brace face!! It feels really uncomfy, especially when you can't flatten your lips. IT HURTS SO BAD because of the rubberbands and wires in the front. Have been really whinny when the pain acts up if I accidentally hit it. Just want the pain to go away asap :'(
So that's all! I'm done with stage 1, just can't wait for it to movemovemovemovemove! And hopefully it does really fast.
End of the semester
Was the last day of our final exams, we went for breakfast at mac (:
Let me explain, this. is. how you eat mcgriddles(:
Had our class chalet going in the evening. Had fun even though I was busy bbqing and setting up the fire for almost the entire night. Chatted about ghostly experience till some started getting goosebumps haha. Doesn't bother me though. They were so many cats! One thing I like about chalets hehe. We fed the poor kitties, one even jumped only the table and ate our stingray!
This is alex (idk why) the sweetest cat on earth that would cuddle on your lap and make the cutest sounds.
This is Esther, but she's a boy LOL
I saved the fire and got things cooking!!
qt pie sleeping on sab's lap.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Can't get to sleep because I"m always so upset about certain things that shouldn't be happening in my life. fts i don't have to face all this i can be happy alone. It just hurts to obtain zero respect and treated like I don't even matter at all. How much you'd make the effort for so many things but when I ask for something I'm just the unreasonable bitch. Sometimes I feel my effort made is worthless. No matter how much you realize it and say a million things about how things are going to change, your words are just going to be words and never actions.
Anyway, some visuals again because i've nothing to talk about:
Considering in baking rainbow cake again for fun? But I probably won't have the time to make and store it in my really packed fridge. Unless anyone wants to order! This was baked last year for a friend's project(:
Really love my minnetonka! Its really comfortable to wear but I'm afraid of it wearing out soon because I wear it really often to school when I'm in shorts or pants. I really like it I hope it doesn't wear out :(
Took away lunch from causeway because I didn't want anything heavy. Love beancurd skins around sushi! So sweet and yummy together with crabsticks #fav
This is outfit on tuesday, on my way to school.
Swear I nearly died for test today. It was really tough and i'm really disappointed with myself :( Not going to do as well as the first 2 tests. But fyeah it's over just 1 paper in 7 hours to go!
I should be sleeping/studying now but I just can't anymore. (Mind over matter) Chalet after test and then braces!!<: #eggcited
Will blog about braces when I'm done with it.
Monday, 20 February 2012
Hi guys I'm really bored. Can someone suggest what I can blog about? My only ideas are to take pictures of what I eat everyday haha cuz that's probably the only interesting thing I have in my life lol. Suggestions pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Oh and I'm gonna have my braces done maybe someone can suggest some colours I should have on for the first time? haha k bye(:
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Since it's exams weeks, I've been studying alot (tried to). Headed to starbucks alone for a short mugging time. Starbucks is always the best(: It started to get crowded so I left to offer my seats to other student (that were also gonna study...) Oh apparently if you have a laptop instead of paper notes, the staff there won't drive you away! Plus point for rp student haha. Decided to take pictures of my days so:
Outfit of that day(:
Walked to the boys house! I walked home the other day too when I went to starbucks. Healthier choice haha
Dumpling noodles with siew mai! You'd see a comparison of the noodles we had against school's 'shui jiao la mian' DAMN GOOD STUFF!!!
Tadah! Really good and it's only 3.30! Same price as the ones we had for din, but school's had egg in it and the dumplings are to die for. Please have it if you're a non-halal kid (contains pork).
bb bought ice kacang when we were already so full! Tried to be nice I think hahaha he's gonna kill me. But the auntie didn't hear the want for pink rose syrup:(
Watched tv in bed becuz i didn't bring my laptop charger and they didn't have a charger for me at his place. So I rolled in bed watching stupid horror films while the boys playing their games (yawn)
By 12 I was hungry again so we were to have prata. I think they charged us lesser than we ordered haha good for us!
Sunday: Went to have aston for lunch and these are my new painted nails! Damn ugly la. I couldn't resist painting unpainted nails, especially when i'm really bored in the middle of the night.
Our meal took 1/2 hour to come! Forgot to take a picture of my meal because we had to rush so here is the receipt which I took before the meal came haha.
Here's kitty playing with the lalang I brought home for him everytime I pass the field full of it. He loves it haha, I make him stand on his hind legs every single time.
And he loves sleeping on my clothes...<3
Will continue taking pictures so stay tuned! (if you're interested/bored)
okay I need to study now!! xx
Btw -> I am really bored
Btw -> I am really bored
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Tribute to kitty
Super cute video of a dog sleeping with the kittens.
These kitten reminds me of my previous cat 'kacang'. She was a calico which I took care for 3 years. One day she just went missing on Easter, and never came back. Usually she'd go out and come home in the afternoon/ evening. Or latest the next day or two. But she never came back.
On 4th April 2010, I searched every single day and weaped. Till now I still miss her, and still look out for her. She was the brightest cat I've ever seen. Not the most lovable but she was so smart, it was impossible to believe. That cat would go far away from home, catch lizards, bats and birds home as a gift to us. Reason why I'm not afraid of these creatures is because we'd have to save and release them before she kills them. She'd wait for me at the carpark and follow me home. The times she meowed for food/when i'm home, I know she missed me.
Her friend, sunshine which is a ginger cat went missing days before her. I don't know where he is too. He was my neighbour's cat but they never exactly took care of him. Most of the time he's over at my place sleeping and eating w/ my cat. And he sleeps on the shoe rag outside my house because my neighbour closes the door despite him not coming home. It was very cruel because he was such a lovable but noisy cat. Both of them were so loving, they were each others only friend :'( How they run in the field, climb on the piano for a nap and hide in my closet.
I miss them. And will never hesitate to adopt a cat in future because they are the most lovable creatures in the whole wide world.

On 4th April 2010, I searched every single day and weaped. Till now I still miss her, and still look out for her. She was the brightest cat I've ever seen. Not the most lovable but she was so smart, it was impossible to believe. That cat would go far away from home, catch lizards, bats and birds home as a gift to us. Reason why I'm not afraid of these creatures is because we'd have to save and release them before she kills them. She'd wait for me at the carpark and follow me home. The times she meowed for food/when i'm home, I know she missed me.
Her friend, sunshine which is a ginger cat went missing days before her. I don't know where he is too. He was my neighbour's cat but they never exactly took care of him. Most of the time he's over at my place sleeping and eating w/ my cat. And he sleeps on the shoe rag outside my house because my neighbour closes the door despite him not coming home. It was very cruel because he was such a lovable but noisy cat. Both of them were so loving, they were each others only friend :'( How they run in the field, climb on the piano for a nap and hide in my closet.
I miss them. And will never hesitate to adopt a cat in future because they are the most lovable creatures in the whole wide world.

"kitties you will always be loved by me"
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
V" day
Did mask the night before darn it was super smelly like all the herby smell ekks!
Boy did mask too hahaha. He didnt know how to paste it LOL he looked like a pirate urh
V" day breakfast I did and delivered to him like I did last year<: Pancakes w/ nutella, scrambled eggs and chocolate oreo cupcake hehe
W/ lots of love happy V" day!
Sleeping beauty decided not to go to school so my surprise failedzxzxzzxzx. Still refusing to wake up despite me making breakfast >:/ see how lazy he is!
Stayed in bed since we were too lazy to move. Shared breakfast till dinner time, exactly why my boy is skinny! Forever lazy.. So we decided to take pictures hehe w/ piggu!
Me: "piggu is dancing" LOL
We didn't go out for any date. We ended up playing games at home and dinner with his family. Not the perfect V" day I was looking forward to but I guess it was fine. Share the love with everyone else yes? (trying to comfort myself lol)
Anyway Happy V' day, love you (:
Hope everyone had a great time spending time with their loved ones and receiving pressies and flowers!xx
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