Thursday 23 February 2012

End of the semester

Was the last day of our final exams, we went for breakfast at mac (: 

Let me explain, this. is. how you eat mcgriddles(: 

 Had our class chalet going in the evening. Had fun even though I was busy bbqing and setting up the fire for almost the entire night. Chatted about ghostly experience till some started getting goosebumps haha. Doesn't bother me though. They were so many cats! One thing I like about chalets hehe. We fed the poor kitties, one even jumped only the table and ate our stingray!

 This is alex (idk why) the sweetest cat on earth that would cuddle on your lap and make the cutest sounds.
 This is Esther, but she's a boy LOL

 I saved the fire and got things cooking!!
 qt pie sleeping on sab's lap.  


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