Tuesday 14 February 2012

V" day

Did mask the night before darn it was super smelly like all the herby smell ekks!
 Boy did mask too hahaha. He didnt know how to paste it LOL he looked like a pirate urh
 V" day breakfast I did and delivered to him like I did last year<: Pancakes w/ nutella, scrambled eggs and chocolate oreo cupcake hehe
 W/ lots of love happy V" day!
 Sleeping beauty decided not to go to school so my surprise failedzxzxzzxzx. Still refusing to wake up despite me making breakfast >:/ see how lazy he is!
 Stayed in bed since we were too lazy to move. Shared breakfast till dinner time, exactly why my boy is skinny! Forever lazy.. So we decided to take pictures hehe w/ piggu!

 Me: "piggu is dancing" LOL

We didn't go out for any date. We ended up playing games at home and dinner with his family. Not the perfect V" day I was looking forward to but I guess it was fine. Share the love with everyone else yes? (trying to comfort myself lol)

Anyway Happy V' day, love you (:
Hope everyone had a great time spending time with their loved ones and receiving pressies and flowers!

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