Monday 12 August 2013

Make an impression

Whenever there's 'What is your first impression about me?' talks, everyones opinion about me dao, fierce, scary, blah nth more than that. I do agree because I tend to raise my guard up high until I know a person well enough to be a lil crazy. I prevent anyone from reading me even if that means being judged because I have learnt not to trust anyone. Im really reserved, but I usually am the one breaking the ice because everyone is shy to do so. But Im honestly really nice, everyone has got to admit this! Unless you are one in a million bitch face that repeatedly eats every patience out of me.

Do I want to change my first impression? Yes. But sometimes I tend to be a little forceful and blunt sigh Im sorry but I dont mean it :( I tend to be cuter/nicer/sweeter to people who are older but not my age. People judge too quickly!! And im glad to realise that judging isnt a way to know a person. Put into the shoes of others and you will know.

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