Tuesday 3 April 2012

4 in 1

Hi and sorry for not blogging for the longest time! I've been really lazy:( But I've never forgotten to take pictures because I know I'd blog them one day! So here they are:

BBQ with the Y2S2 classmates at Sab's house. It's super isolated with all the 5 storey estate houses. It isn't big, but a very nice environment to live in(: The people are definitely rich, looking at the cars they drive, mmhm slurp.

This is Tigger, super fluffy soft boy! Duper cute and he does tricks for food! 

 Random (bored) work days:

Crystal jade at Holland V with Viv and Maxine. I love dimsum yumyum I can have them forever! (Not kidding)

THIS. I'm still searching for more and then I'll blog about it again! Custard bun was really nice but I didn't quite like the paper around it because it kinda sticks to the paper. Really hard to remove a perfect bun!

The custard wasn't great? Even though it's my first time trying. It lacked the salted yoke, I'd prefer more of that since it's salted egg yoke + custard right? Overall, 7/10

1 word for dimsum: Delish! Har gao and Siew mai had huge prawns! Yummy! And the crispy duck was not bad.

Daily Scoop at Chip Bee Garden after that. The service was super bad!>:/ 
1) No smiles from staffs
2) They totally ignored us when I stood infront of the dipcases for 3 minutes?
3) Lousy waffles, which was soft and chewy but not crispy on the outside as expected
Ice cream there isn't that great actually. I thought it lacked flavour. 
We had Tiramisu and salted something? Tiramisu was nice (8/10) but the other one was maybe a 6/10?
Disappointed I must say.

I'm always looking like shit at the end of the day sigh sigh. 

 Holland V Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao, with my boy (:
Told ya I can never have enough of it.

Zha jiang mian (with onions and minced meat) Super yumz (9/10) 

 Idk what's the actual name of this but they're steam + fried meat buns! (8.5/10)
We had xlb but I forgot to take a picture of it. Ate them while it's hot! (Excuses :B)

 And of course we went to daily scoop again lol.. Had mint and kookie monster. But were good(: (8/10)
Random at work: 

I wanna make all those below!! Brunch soon with my favourite people (:

This was made by my neighbour not from cook books haha looks damn nice right! But dangerously spicy I nearly died but too good to stop!


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