Tuesday 3 April 2012


Few Saturdays ago, went to Capella for a wedding day lunch live shoot. Ths place was simple yet elegant. The hotel was really nice! And they have huge villas there, need I say more? Each table costed almost 2k! Really atas lunch that was looking super good! I wish I could have some, but they were nice to even provide us with complimentary lunch(: Good service too! They had a dessert buffet which was super good!!! Let my pictures do the talking(:

 (Sorry they're all rumbled up!)

 Yes a ferrari. It's the bride's maid car. The couple doesn't live in Singapore, they live in NEW YORK!


Flower taken from the flower decors there and my __ work shirt haha


  1. Hey babe, the wedding car is a Lamborghini, not Ferrari.

    1. Whoops I must have remembered wrongly. Thanks for pointing out! I really don't know my cars haha.
