Monday 1 April 2013


I know everyone wants the best for me. But they don't know me at all. All I ask is encouragement, support for any decision of mine. But I don't receive it from you. I thank God for a mother who is supportive, agreeable to my every decisions. I am not the best daughter, the best girlfriend or the best child of God but I am thankful for everything I'm given. 

Everyone wants to hear: 'Good job!' 'This is damn nice!' 'Thank you.' but it's so darn hard to be appreciated by everyone. Yknow what makes me happy? When others are happy for what I have done for them. No matter how much I hate or am displeased with what others have done and swore to not do anything for them, I fail to do so. People mean so much to me. 

I hope I mean as much to them.

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