Wednesday 25 April 2012

Tofu Galore

So, I've been having a lot of 'Tofu patties' at work these days. They are absolutely juicy yummy and healthy!
Wondering how you can make them? c:

Ingredients you would need:

1 big onion x a few cloves of garlic

Tofu ( I used 1 egg tofu and 2 *tau kwa*)
You could use the soft white, eggless tofu too. I used it for my first try but.... I'll explain later.

A few biscuits. Crush it! (5-6, depending on the consistency of your mixture) If its too wet, add more crumbs!

I used Jacob's wheatmeal cracker. They are really good x healthy on it's on~ nomz.
You could use regular cream crackers (Kong guan) Or any cracker that is plain.

1 egg
And >200grams of mince pork! (Sorry I forgot to take pictures!)
(I apologize, this recipe is not halal, however you could use chicken instead or just plain tofu!)

1) Dice the onions and the garlic finely.
But as you can see, I didn't because I was too lazy and didn't mind big bits of onions :B
2) Squash/Break up the tofu and mix it together with the pork
3) Add in the onions and garlic
4) Add in the seasoning
I used oyster sauce (4tbs) and pepper
5) Add in the egg and the biscuit crumbs
6) Mix thoroughly till combined

Cover and refrigerate it >1 hour to marinate and bring the mixture together (:

When you wanna have it, just take it out of the refrigerator and roll them into balls.

Okay let me explain why I changed my recipe from soft tofu to tau kwa.
Soft tofu generally holds a lot of water in them, thus when broken up, it releases alot of water into the mixture. You wouldn't be able to roll them up because it is too soft. Other than that, taste is still the same. Actually juicier I think? K I don't remember la.

Place them in a pan and pan fry them with minimal oil. Plus point here, see so healthy!
Cook evenly for about 2-3minutes on each side.

When both sides are brown, allow them to be placed in a standing position, so the sides will get brown too so it doesn't break easily.

So tadah! Tofu Patties! I know it's not 100% tofu patties because meat always makes things better right? My logic la. Plain Tofu might be too bland, and meat helps to hold everything better too.

Have them plain or w/ tomato/chili sauce. OH, the best way to have them is with
MACDONALD'S CURRY SAUCE HAHAHA okay can. I tried it when I found curry sauce in the office :b
This recipe makes about 20 good and big patties! So you could probably have them for days like I did haha.

So yup! For those trying to save money/wanna be healthy/don't know what to have in school or work,

Hope you enjoyed my first 'tutorial' haha

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