Wednesday 14 March 2012

Relationships - Ain't nobody loves me better

People have been interested more in my relationship with my boy so I thought I'd talk about it.

This was the first or the first few photos we took back in 2008.
Yup it's been a long while. We faced a lot to be together. Knowing my mother, she was rather strict on relationships at that age but being "rebellious" I did what I wanted to. I don't know whether it would have been better to end everything just like that. But I just know I have what I want now, not what I wanted. But I am happy, even though others may think I'm not. 

Note 1: Relationships aren't perfect.

We had so many reasons to hate each other for. We fought a lot but loved a lot too. What I mean is, I didn't need a perfect relationship. I believe things happen and when they are clarified they will be solved. Keeping things to myself wasn't my thing. I'd clarify my every doubt however it wasn't his kind of thing to accept my questions. So yeap, I've had a lot of insecurities because of this. I dislike being caught off guard, I'd rather face up to reality. But remember, reality does hurt. 

Note 2: Always talk things out


Our relationship was pretty ordinary. Much jealousy, love, quarrels and cuddles. 

Note 3: With anything bad, comes something good.

We went to KL, our first overseas trip. Though it wasn't far it was time spent well. Waking up to that beautiful face was a feeling of warmth. Something you'd ever want to have every single day. I'd hope for more trips to come and hopefully it will.

Note 4: One is enough to fill the heart

Love makes a person selfish. But the truth is it should be selfless. It should not have any boundaries. 
I must say I have unlimited amount of flaws. I haven't been the perfect girl, I haven't kept my relationship in the right shape, I lost myself. 
But every one out there should know, you'd always be you. Take time to figure yourself out, together or alone. Eventually, things will be better once sorted out. It works! Always pray for faith, for a stronger heart to face all problems. But most importantly, do not fear. 
Okay I don't exactly do what i preach because I have A LOT of fear. Which is not a good thing but I am trying to solve my problem. 

Note 5: Love does not have an expiry date.

Have faith my friends! Troubles will never end and happiness shouldn't too.