Friday 16 March 2012

I Survived!

I survived week 2 of work! (Explains the title) 
As usual it was a mundane week. Had my first tightening of braces after 3 weeks which was pretty fast! But it also means my teeth will move faster(: 

I've been super lazy to pack lunch to work so I bought cereal with soya and had it for 3 days consecutively haha but it doesn't make me lose weight though i've been eating little for lunch. I gobble food after food into my mouth when i'm home haha #glutton

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I allow my cereal to soak in the soya so it softens and allows me to eat easily. I can't exactly bite/ i hate it when food gets stuck it my teeth. 

After dental, we went to clementi to eat. A impromptu suggestion before the train door closed lol. Only had oyster omelette because we couldn't decide on what to eat. Were full after that so oh well.. 

I think oysters are gross? So smelly pui.

So anyway, I told you guys i wanted to dye my hair purple right? I did! Also a impromptu decision when we were at clementi because the hair cut was $2.80 and dye was damn cheap?! But they kinda like rushed through the cutting of your hair because there were a lot of people waiting. The shop was really small and there were HAIR everywhere! I nearly fell because it was so slippery, not mentioning gross..

Tadah! Dip dyed red/purple hair! It fades really fast though!:( Was super worried when I could see my shampoo turning pink, meh. And pardon my face idk how to smile with teeth/without teeth -.- 
 I didn't want it to be obvious so I chose a darker shade. 
Anyway that place sucked. I asked the woman to cut my hair at about 2inches, BUT SHE SNIPPED OFF 4-5INCHED?! If you compare my hair to the other post, you would see a drastic difference. But it's a fresher look on me now though I think I look older?:'( I wanted to take a picture to show you guys but my phone was dead. They were super unprofessional. But I guess at a price of $22 for cut + dye it was okay.

Went to chompchomp for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!*Dance* But I was pretty disappointed.
  1. The place was really small
  2. Very smokey, I was choking on the smoke as I was eating
  3. Limited amount of food
I think the only reason why chompchomp is crowded and famous is because it's small? And influenced by social proof!! 
What's social proof?
Yup, so next time you see a really long queue at the hawker centre, it might not be good but psychologically you think it is!! 

Went without that Indian friend of ours again, forever not turning up! It's been a long time since we meet, ever since school ended. I'm gonna miss school's food :( and friends 

Super good sugar cane, I forgot to take the rest of the food because....idk why haha I just forgot. 
We had hokkien mee which was the beehoon mee style which i've not tried before. It was quite nice because the beehoon kinda absorbed the flavour of the stock. And it chilli was quite good too! But I like the other kind of hokkien mee with the fat beehoon. Fits a fat girl ^^
 Strolled around the place and hung out at cheers for 5minutes haha. Then took a bus to amk and shopped around fairprice. No life. It was already 10+ but it was still open!
Me: Idk how to smile with braces la.... -.- k anyhow
 Thank cute melayu friend for the kangaroo!! Always travelling so much so you better buy me more stuff hahaha love you!

Really happy to meet my friends again I hope we would meet soon even though everyone is having/gonna have their attachments. I love my friends very very much even if they don't know it <3

Hope a long post will make it up to the really boring blog!

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