Saturday 31 December 2011

Blessed New year!

Hi if you're seeing this, I would have been away from sg on my get away trip with my boy and his fam! A pity, I won't be celebrating it in sg with my friends and family which I am missing but at least its a good trip with my boy overseas for the first time. The fireworks should be better at least! (I don't see fireworks during new year anyway, always rotting at home.)
I had a rough time in 2011, but also a good time after battling for a really long time. I've been blessed with everyone around and I cannot ask for more. Got confirmed this year too which is a joy to share with! Classmates have been the best this semester I've had so much fun. Just 1 more year to go before school ends for me and I can't waitttttttttt!
To everyone out there, I hope you had a blessed year and I wish for the happiness of everyone out there and a blessed year ahead. God bless!<3

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