Sunday 13 November 2011

Lion Kind 3D!

Caught Lion king 3D last week with mummy and the three little monkeys and it was really good! I mean, it's lion king how can you not love it! Exactly the same like how I used to watch it when I was young. 3D wasn't fantastic because the glasses were too big. I watched half of the movie without it? Megan was sucha cutee and raynen couldn't stop climbing up and down the seats.

Oh by the way, this was the night my baking failed!:( I made cheesecake brownie that was looking so gooooooooooooooooooooooood! But.........after baking it for half an hour and cooling it, and removing it from the pan, i found it it wasn't cooked on the inside -.- So the batter flowed out like lava, I wanted to cry. what's worst was it dropped into the sink. I tried it, it was darn good. Was so upset with myself. I had to bake a plain one instead which was not as yummy but the girls liked it so i'm pretty much glad (:

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