Monday 18 July 2011

I made a whole batch of 12 + 12 + 9 = 33 mini lemon cupcakes for the girls last Saturday as recovery food/breakfast. Love how people compliment my baking even though I though it wasn't good at all (': I'll continue baking for the people I love and at the same time improve on my baking! Actually you guys are my guinea pigs hehe you've been tricked all this while!

The really hot sun for hours really dried my skin out, it feels and looks horrible now though I'm really happy I've gotten a tan haha. Looking forward for 3 more trainings before Polite! So sexciting<: 1 more test left till the last and final one. 4 more weeks of school I can't wait for the holidays and over the sea trips and money ka ching to come in since i've the time to work. Immunology is being a bitch especially my biased facilitator that only knows how to shake her head when she speaks. 


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