Wednesday 17 October 2012


School just started for me last Friday, it isn't as bad after all. It's the last semester and I know it's going to be challenging to pull my gpa up. I will be contented if I am even able to maintain my current gpa. Off days every Wednesdays but I've FYP to do :( It's really a killer when you have to make time for meeting discussions repeatedly to finalize with something. School + FYP + work, I barely have time for anything. Spare days are for b. He has to stay in camp for probably a month or 2, weekends are our only time together.

I've been the most demanding and crankiest person this month. I feel horrible :( I don't mean to be this way but people just annoy me? I'm the kind of person that wants what I want. It makes it seem like i'm really arrogant in a way? But I don't mean or feel that way. I have my plans, my own thinking, my dream that I'd like to follow. I wish I could be less of that and more of something good and likable.


  1. hi did you have to extract your wisdom tooth when you did braces? did it hurt?

    1. Nope, I extract my pre-molars. Amount of pain depends on a individual. Probably a 6-7/10 for me?

    2. were you put on sedation? if you dont mind me asking, which dentist did you go to :)

    3. Nope, just had some numbing gel on my gums (: Im having mine done at NUH dentistry!
