Monday 10 September 2012


I started recalling about the days when we had the fiercest battle on whether to fight or to give up on each other. Just thinking of it makes me tremble in fear. It was probably the worst experience I've ever faced in love. My one and only, first love. You didn't let go despite letting down on me. It was hard on me. I couldn't deal with something so overwhelming, something no one should ever have had to deal with. The day I was leaving the country after all the horrible things that was happening, you begged me "Don't go." but I knew I had to. While away I missed you so bad. The trip felt horrible. The minute I came back, you started calling me. And when you couldn't reach me you started calling my friends. It was so hard to deal with. Why didn't you let me go? I couldn't share a man, unless you had 2 penises and 4 balls.

I can't recall what happened after. It's been a year and a half since that incident happened. Never shall it repeat and never will another chance be given. Never should this situation happen to any guy/girl regardless of age, language or religion(lol).

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