Saturday 28 July 2012

S u n t a n

Date with the boy to the beach for a tanning session. Yes it's actually our first time going tanning I think? Was super excited because I've been dying to hit the beach for a tan!!! Super proud of my b for waking up super early because he never ever does! Ultimate lazy pig...

 My eyes look really light in colour, maybe because it was super bright.

Settled for Tanjong Beach! 

My first time wearing a bikini lol. I'm super conscious about my body but heck I wanted to tan. Bought it from asos (river island) because it had my size. My size is always oos -.- hate it. But ya the top was a little big for me because i'm 'boobless'.

 Headed to ding tai fung at rws because I was craving for a hot bowl of soup, but b thought otherwise and wouldn't stop complaining. Hehe but obviously I won, I always get my ways ^^ 
THIS IS DAMN GOOD! I don't know if we were hungry or what but it was yummy. 

Beef brisket noodles which were meh, not very flavourful (7/10) Beef was really good though. 

GONE! We struggled a little because 10 xlb were too much for us haha. I always order what I crave for but only eat 40% of each haha. 

It says 'hug me for candy'! But I didn't get any :(

Walked around rws and vivo for some shopping and settled for carl's jr for din at about 9pm.
B squeezing my lemon for lemontea~

 Insanely huge burger and chili cheese fries! The burger was as big as my hand and was super thick. We had guacamole bacon thick burger (:


That sums up our belated date for our 51st monthsary. 
I've never been so happy for a really long time. I cannot exclaim how great the day was <:)
So thankful for my boy and his effort of waking up early, to have breakfast, head to the beach to tan though he's gonna get black when he goes into the army. This week with him has been the best week that has ever been for the past years. 
I don't know how it's gonna be without him for the next 2 weeks. Fewer texts and not mentioning no meet ups :( But all I care about is his safety in the army. Will see you in no time again okay bb (: 
Love you, the best boy in my life <3

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