Thursday 26 January 2012


This is the super spicy ma la stall we have in school, yes you can see all the floating fish balls tofus and sausages. And on your right, yeap those are red hot dry chili and dried pepper corn. It totally spiced me up that day! Had to urgently buy ice milo because I couldn't take it.

 Smoochiezz came to school, so i had to grab some stuff since it was so cheap!! Only spent $35 for what you see below!

 Almost bare
 Took a picture of my eye, its light brown! And my eye lashes are really long haha, without mascara of course.
 Kpo kitty as usual...
 This is the lipstick I bought, really rich dark red-purplish colour. And it doesn't have the yucky lipstick taste! Luv it(:

 2 OPI shiny nail polish too, it looks kinda alienish if you think about it haha. But it's something new! I've never gotten any nail polish before btw haha.
So happy with my loots ^^ Suppose to save money on food, but i ended up spending on this... oh well at least i'm happy!

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