Monday 28 November 2011

The week/overdue

Went to Ikea last week for lunch w/ my boy and his parents. They order 12 chicken wings. TWELVE. 
Crazy much. His mum doesn't eat anything else so she only ate chicken wings while I had something christmas special fish which sucked and meat balls. Only had 1 wing because I was too stuffed. Food never fails to make me happi ^^

Played monopoly deal live, it's like a censor detected game so you don't have cash like you have for the normal monopoly. But it definitely made the game really I got thrashed and I was grumpy and tired so all I wanted was to go home. Thank god for car home rides ^^ Oh I have to mention how I love sleeping in cars. Super shiok! Always end up sleeping in the boy's car where ever we go. Too comfy to be true! 
Outfit for my PP(finally) presentation. Was pretty nervous till I found out my own faci was the one grading for my presentation haha. The other faci was really cute with her geeky specs but my advisor was just....glum lol. Had lunch w/ my boy and followed him to bowling coaching. I sat there for 2 hours and spent 4.30 for a can and bottle drink. Day light robbery please! Went to the vending machine to find out it cost 1.30 while the one at the shop costed 1.80...

Took a train to Dhoby and got our 1 for 1 nuggets! Got it for the sake of getting it since it was 1 for 1. Kiasu Singaporeans what can I say ya? Then left him for clarke quay to have company dinner trololol. I got lost btw,  because I missed the stop because stupid iphone maps was not accurate....
Dinner at brewerkz! Known for it's many types of beer. We ordered 2 towers and I had 4 cups in total because I only had beer to drink and I was thirsty so.... am glad I have a high tolerance for alcohol. Though its just beer, but I don't drink what. Appetizers were not fantastic, in fact not up to my standard at all. Everything was just dry. Pui. Explains why I had to drink so much. But the beer was good! We had 'Golden Ale and oktoberfest' Try it if you ever go there!(:

They brought me to zirca lolol (Legal virgin trip!) Was pretty awesome since we had a VIP table so we didn't have to queue! Great first trip la. Explains why hanging out with older and bigger connection people is pretty great. So many benefits hehe. And I feel so protected around them, though I wish my boy was there. I had to trim my fringe because as you can see, from the above it looks stupid. So yes short fringe suits me a lot better.  
*Last day of work today, i'm pretty much free now. Must really work hard, no excuses! 
Oh one last thing! Could I have suggestions for christmas baking? No idea what to bake this Christmas and really like some opinion! If anyone is even reading this..............okay bye <3

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