Monday 7 November 2011

Like the thunder

Went out with -- to town, got really angsty because we couldn't decide on a place to eat. Went to cathay's aston but it was so crowded at 3pm?? Why are you people being such a weirdo like me, having your lunch at 3pm???? So we went for chicken rice at the rochor tauhuey place. Chicken was soft and nice but everything was pretty salty(bleh). Had some chocolate bbt without pearls, which I could no longer fit into my tummy. - bought a shirt while I got a pair of shoes (again la) So...guess what this Missy found^^
Woohoo thunderbird lalalalala
Not nice meh? I like the thunderbird which - said was weird. :( everything I buy is weird? I don't know lololol. I need more clothes, which I couldn't find while I was shopping. mehmehmeh. Singapore needs to bring in pretty practical and comfortable clothes for school. Really. I'm running out of clothes and i have no idea what to wear every single day. Just repeatedly wearing it week after week ha sigh.

(Sometimes I really wonder who's reading ha ha, or is it me just talking to myself?)
FS me if you're reading!
Or leave me a anonymous comment. Somehow it makes me happy, sorry im lonely and weird k bye (:

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