Wednesday 2 November 2011

Almost a happy girl <:

My uo stuff are finally here! Am very happy after the long wait though it's 2 redundant items that wouldn't be necessary in my life. I got a pair of shades and a bag. The shades were kinda disappointing because it wasn't the same colour as the one I saw online. I think they had another colour as the picture but only one colour left instock :< But it was okay because it was purpleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Camwhored w/ it with the irritating bastard ruining my pictures.
(My webcam damn lousy very sowie) 

HAHA FREAK. I couldn't see shit with his glasses on. I swear i wanted to vomit the minute I opened my eye. But not bad right haha

Finally a decent photo ^^

My bicycle tote bag which is really cute! Very happy when i saw how huge it was! Just order more stuff online I hope it's not going to be a disappointment! 
UT period is here, winter touch is almost over but we've asian something something league too in two weeks them and then followed by ivp in october. I'm really tired but activities just keep flowing in :( It wouldn't stop i just need a holiday!! K whiny me, goodnight! xoxo

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