Saturday 8 October 2011

Hi, I can only post pictures from my webcam cos i'm too lazy to connect my iphone to my laptop for more picturessss. Birthday week went really well, I've had good dinner and good company(: The best I could ever ask for. Went for atas dinner with the boy and had foie gras and SUPER GOOD asparagus risotto! Super touched by the birthday dedication that came with my dessert. Swear I nearly cried for joy. Love this boy^^

I wore my maxi for the first time when we went for dinner. It's super comfy I must say, hid all my fats which was a super good thing! I wouldn't mind investing in more maxi dresses haha.

My brother got me a h&m gift card too hehe! I have no idea how much is in it but i'm gonna wait for the next collection so i can get more clothes (yay)

Chilling with my burnt face with some milk tea naoz. Have no idea how i'm gonna sleep later and get up for church but i'm sure i would cause it's laser tag tmrrrr!<:
Oh yes, we had a good game against ravens again which I thought was a lot better compared to previous weeks! The score was 9-1, we finally scored a try! (we've been getting zeros for the past weeks) So happie, good job rainbow! Was happy with myself for diving at the try line, preventing them from scoring. It's another step of improvement (pats on back) 
^^ tata <3<3<3

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