Thursday 20 October 2011


It worries me when I try to imagine how my future would be like (if) ...
How easily you can change my mood in just a split second. The things you say when I try to make things better just disappoints me drastically. I don't want things around me to be what I don't want it to be. I'm tired of trying to make things better, explaining my point. It's tiring, or maybe I gave up. Things will never be great when you don't have another hand to clap with.
My point: why make things so hard for us when it's really so plain simple?

I'm hungry for success. Starving. The fear of not doing well, eats into me. But i'm tired, though i'm trying. Help? Nobody is going to help. Everyone adds nonsensical unnecessary comments that I do not wish to intake into me. I could kill if it wasn't a crime. (But it doesn't make sense). Okay maybe I should stop complaining and get my mind back to class. But then again, i dislike my facilitator. But but but but but but okay bye.

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