Sunday 11 September 2011


HI, i haven't been blogging about cakes for quite a while since it's all for order. Anyway who's reading my space?-.- Probably reading this myself.
So I was making buttercream for the cakes, and the amount of sugar is madness. Sugar overload drove me crazy(cranky), not happy at all. I couldn't sleep thanks to the sugar + it made me cook noodles at 4am(?!) Made me even fatter la. Plain buttercream is just sugar and butter plus a hint of vanilla. Which doesn't make it very tasty. So i thought, in future I should make fruit buttercream? Like strawberries or peaches etc. I'm gonna do one this coming weekend with peach buttercream! I hope it comes out good since fruits will help to neutralize the whole buttercream.

Some visuals to add(:
Super good salad for a deal but the service was horrible compared to the last time I went!

 Brussel sprouts are the WORST tasting vegetable!! (yucks)
 The kampung girls after WTL!(:

And Taby's 20th birthday picnic at botanic gardens(: She cried immediately after seeing us as it was a surprise. Super miss her since she's on intenship and can't come back for training. Glad you enjoyed your birthday Taby!(: On second thought, WHO PUTS MACARONI IN PIZZA? Damn weird invention la. I mean you want mac and cheese but it looks nothing like it? Plus it's carbs + more carbs on a pizza -.-
Fitness this week was.. okay la. But 9 weeks more to go!!! Not happy knowing I have to wake up tmr morning to run:(
Okay byeeeeeeeeee! 

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