Thursday 18 August 2011

What's baking today?

Hi! So I had 2 orders this week: red velvet, chocolate and rainbow cake. Super tiring to bake for hours after tuition and then the next morning because i screwed up my batch of cupcakes, everything overflowed it was a complete disaster. I wasted so much :( So I gave them away. I washed the stuff probably 10times or more? Swear I hate baking now. Oh and I received 3 more orders. Crazy shit?! Probably a blessing but I'm really tired :( I'm not even done with my studying, sucha a slacker now. K some photos of the cakes. 

I know I did a really lousy job with the piping, ugh screwed it up. 
I miss my friends, old friends. Everyone's so busy hanging out with new friends and tackling with school. I feel really lonely now:( I miss retarded talking while I stoned by the side and the endless complains i'd have to say. 
<3<3<3 missing everyone

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