Thursday 21 June 2012

My little boy

He hid behind the curtains as I weeped. Secretly he whispered, "Mummy, don't cry.". He leaped up onto the bed and sat at the corner. That small effort stopped all tears. :')

Friday 15 June 2012


Too lazy to upload anything from my phone, so here you have my face from youcam! :*
Very satisfied with my face now. All the masking is really helping with the brightening and moisturizing of my face ^^ (Pardon my ugly brows...I screw them very often) 
I was pretty shocked to notice how fair my face was when I was facetiming with my brother which is in guam now on his sailing trip. Only his first stop and he's buying loads of stuff from victoria secret for meeee yay! The body sprays and lotions are dirt cheap, like 3 bottles for $24 !!!!! How to resist!

Holidays are coming so i'll try to go out more often with my baby boy (doubt so tho haha) and blog a little more (:>
Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

So much for _

I thought I deserved better, and I started thinking for my own well being. Despite being blessed, pampered at times, I wasn't satisfied. I was that selfish brat that wanted everything her way. I start losing control of my emotions, I didn't want to act that way but I couldn't fight it. Such a perfectionist yet starts ruining every single part of that simple life.

Saturday 9 June 2012

I think about many silly happy moments that could leave me giggling and smiling all day long. Then I ask myself, "Will it happen to me? Okay I'm dreaming get back to reality.". That isn't how it should be right? I want to dream, but dreaming tends to allow high expectations to come in. But without dreams I guess there isn't a point of living in this horrid reality.


Just currently some wants. Contemplating so much because they are mostly wants and not needs :( Need to start saving instead of spending so much. Have been spending so much on food and polaroid films..which I have yet to sell. I don't know say about ALL my spending of iip pay every month. I need a job someone recommend me one? :(

Friday 8 June 2012

Why isn't there that someone that truly understand me in and out? Even the one i've dated for the longest time doesn't.

Tuesday 5 June 2012


How can some be so irresponsible about the things they do. Despite grace given for a week, I have yet to receive what should be done a week ago. I honestly think it's a buyer's responsibility to pay on time + meet on time, same goes to all sellers. Honestly think I'm selling my products at a VERY low price. I don't even ask for payment or deposits first because I'd rather receive payment on the spot so my customers gets the product immediately after paying. I did give a option of transfer or payment on the spot. If you agree on paying cash ON THE SPOT, please keep to what you say. I do trust my buyers, however I think I should come up with a strict policy of receiving payment first since some can't stick to their responsibilities. I want to trust, but seriously? Just very much disappointment received, i'm doing a business not charity work here. I hope everyone understands where I'm coming from.